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Everett Soloman is a Nazi death camp survivor, who talks about his experience. Jan Baltic is a neo-Nazi. He was having one of his gatherings wherein he says that the Holocaust was a hoax. And at this thing is Soloman's son David, who calls Baltic a liar. Then Cal one of Baltic's people shoots David. He dies and when word reaches Soloman, he has a heart attack. Baltic and Cal are in Baltic's basement gloating about what they did and planning their next move. Then Baltic's son grabs one of the guns Baltic's has there and shoots them. Jonathan goes to Baltic's wife, who is trying to wipe the blood off the walls. She says that Jan was not always that way and Jonathan asks her when did he change and she says after he lost his job. He said that it was the Jews who were out to get him. Jonathan asks her if she would be willing to donate her husband's heart to Everett Soloman, who needs a transplant, she agrees. But Soloman upon learning that it's Baltic heart he will be getting, refuses. Jona

60m 1986

Camino al Cielo
1 Descargar Descargar . . Desconocido Desconocido
2 Descargar Descargar . . Desconocido Desconocido

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