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Jonathan and Mark's latest assignment is R.R. Benson, a cold and heartless businessman, who is polluting the oceans, maintains apartments which are below living standards, just to name a few. When he proved to be a tough nut to crack, Jonathan decides to take the direct approach and reveal to Benson that he is an angel and at the rate he is going he won't make it to heaven. But Benson is still unmoved, and the last thing Jonathan tells him is to read the Bible. That while sleeping a burglar breaks into Benson's home and shoots him. Benson runs into Jonathan asking him what happened, Jonathan shows him that he is a spirit and that he died. Jonathan shows him exactly the kind of life that he's been leading and how it affects others, and how people really feel about him like his girlfriend, who has another guy and who is planning a palimony suit. Jonathan then takes him back to his office and tells him that his ""boss"" is giving him the opportunity to relive the final week of his life. He

60m 1987

Camino al Cielo
1 Descargar Descargar . . Desconocido Desconocido
2 Descargar Descargar . . Desconocido Desconocido

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