• Opción 1
  • Yourupload
  • MEGA
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Jonathon gets a 'feeling' while he and Mark are driving towards their next job. He goes to the hospital to find his wife is near death and was calling for him. After she passes away Jonathon believes that he will no longer be working for the 'boss' and will go to be with his wife. To the answer of lightning and thunder he finds out otherwise and becomes enraged. He is then stripped of his 'stuff' and has to live as a mere mortal. While at the beach one night he sees a young woman who he thinks is the spirit of his wife. As he runs to her he sees a beautiful young woman who walks into the ocean attempting to kill herself. Jonathon saves her and the 2 forge a friendship... To Be Continued...

60m 1988

Camino al Cielo
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