El Túnel del Tiempo 1x19

The Ghost of Nero

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Tony and Doug arrive near the Italian-Austrian Alps on October 23, 1915, as the Germans are preparing to bombard the area. An explosion knocks them out and uncovers the stone coffin of Emperor Nero. Nero's sword floats out of it, but kills a German soldier. They awaken and discover they are beneath the villa of Count Galba. He claims the two travelers are American friends, covering for them against the invading Germans. The ghost of Nero has other ideas, and wants to kill Galba, whose ancestor was responsible for Nero's death. First a German soldier then Tony are possessed by the ghost. The Time Tunnel project staff manage to free Tony with a high-powered electrical discharge on the recommendation of a Dr. Steinholtz, whom they call in. However, they then pull the ghost into the current day, but manage to send him back. Tony and Doug get Galba to safety and help lead the Italian resistance to the Germans. The German leader, Neistadt, flees but Nero's ghost delays him long enough for an

60m 1967

El Túnel del Tiempo
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