Galería Nocturna

serie completa 3 Temporadas - 43 Episodios

Night Gallery es una serie de antología estadounidense que se emitió en NBC desde 1970 hasta 1973, con historias de horror y lo macabro. Rod Serling, que se había ganado la fama de una serie anterior, The Twilight Zone, sirvió tanto como presentador en el aire de la Galería Nocturna como un importante contribuyente de guiones, aunque no tenía el mismo control de contenido y tono que tenía. en la zona del crepúsculo.

60m 1970

Temporada 2
1 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes / Miss Lovecraft Sent Me / The Hand of Borgus Weems / Phantom of What Opera?1971
2 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> A Death in the Family / The Merciful / Class of '99 / Witches' Feast1971
3 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Since Aunt Ada Came to Stay / With Apologies to Mr. Hyde / The Flip-Side of Satan1971
4 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> A Fear of Spiders / Junior / Marmalade Wine / The Academy1971
5 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Phantom Farmhouse / Silent Snow, Secret Snow1971
6 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> A Question of Fear / The Devil Is Not Mocked1971
7 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Midnight Never Ends / Brenda1971
8 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Diary / A Matter of Semantics / Big Surprise / Professor Peabody's Last Lecture1971
9 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> House, with Ghost / A Midnight Visit to the Neighborhood Blood Bank / Dr. Stringfellow's Rejuvenator / Hell's Bells1971
10 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Dark Boy / Keep in Touch, We'll Think of Something1971
11 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Pickman's Model / The Dear Departed / An Act of Chivalry1971
12 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Cool Air / Camera Obscura / Quoth the Raven1971
13 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Messiah on Mott Street / The Painted Mirror1971
14 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Different Ones / Tell David... / Logoda's Heads1971
15 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Green Fingers / The Funeral / The Tune in Dan's Cafe1972
16 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Lindemann's Catch / The Late Mr. Peddington / A Feast of Blood1972
17 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Miracle at Camafeo / The Ghost of Sorworth Place1972
18 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Waiting Room / Last Rites for a Dead Druid1972
19 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Deliveries in the Rear / Stop Killing Me / Dead Weight1972
20 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> I'll Never Leave You - Ever / There Aren't Any More MacBanes1972
21 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Sins of the Fathers / You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore1972
22 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Caterpillar / Little Girl Lost1972
Temporada 3
1 <img src="//" alt="Imagen MV5BZTk2NTNjNWMtZDEzNS00NTBjLWI5OTUtYjA4NDQ4ZGVkMjNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDU0MzE0Mg@@._V1_UX224_CR0,0,224,126_AL_"> The Return of the Sorcerer [Subtitulado]1972
2 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Screenshot_12"> The Girl with the Hungry Eyes1972
3 <img src="//" alt="Imagen MV5BMWZjYTAzZGYtNDVhYy00NDFkLTliNWUtMGY3NjQwOWNmOGQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDU4MTgwMTU@._V1_UX224_CR0,0,224,126_AL_"> Rare Objects1972
4 <img src="//" alt="Imagen MV5BMjFjNDhmYzItZDRkYi00OGU3LTk2NGEtZmRmZGM1NmZlNWExXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE3NzIyMzQ2._V1_UX224_CR0,0,224,126_AL_"> Spectre in Tap-Shoes1972
5 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Screenshot_13"> You Can Come Up Now, Mrs. Millikan / Smile Please [Ingles]1972
6 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Screenshot_16"> The Other Way Out1972
7 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Screenshot_17"> Fright Night1972
8 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Screenshot_6"> Finnegan's Flight1972
9 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Screenshot_7"> She'll Be Company for You1972
10 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Ring with the Red Velvet Ropes [Subtitulado]1973
11 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Los supersónicos"> Something in the Woodwork1973
12 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Cargando&#8230;"> Death on a Barge1973
13 <img src="//" alt="Imagen Los supersónicos"> Whisper [Subtitulado]1973
14 <img src="//" alt="Imagen 4jVlGbhwxvOowDsUtMdlN76hyUD"> The Doll of Death1973
15 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Hatred unto Death / How to Cure the Common Vampire [Ingles]1973
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