El Túnel del Tiempo 1x13

The Alamo

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Tony and Doug arrive at the Alamo on March 6, 1836 - the day Santa Ana wiped out the defenders. The two make it to the fort, but are put into custody when Tony tries to convince the stubborn Col. Travis the fort is doomed. Tony escapes but is captured by the Mexicans. An injured Doug captures Capt. Reynerson and tries to convince him he can see the future. When Col. Travis is killed in a fall during Tony's escape as Doug predicted, Reynerson believes him. Tony manages to escape the Mexicans with the help of a sympathetic Dr. Armandez. Meanwhile, the project team have been trying to stage a recovery, but grab Col. Travis by mistake. He is stunned, but Kirk eventually convinces him by showing him future-footage of the battle, and Travis' own death. Convinced that he must let Doug go before the massacre begins, Travis returns and frees him. The Alamo defenders are gunned down, and Tony and Doug reunite. With Armandez' aid they get Reynerson's wife out before they are whisked away.

60m 1966

El Túnel del Tiempo
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