El Túnel del Tiempo 1x9

Devil's Island

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Tony and Doug arrive on Devil's Island in March 1895, where they are taken into custody as escaped prisoners. Doug manages to escape and hold the Commandant at gunpoint to convince the man he is a stranded American, but the Commandant plays along until he can get the drop on him. The Project team plan a recovery which goes awry (again), hauling in the prisoner Boudaire. General Kirk tells Boudaire that they cannot escape with Captain Dreyfuss, one of the prisoners, because historically Dreyfuss never escaped at that time, so taking him along would prevent the success of any escape attempt. Boudaire is returned but is shocked by the experience and doesn't remember his instructions. Tony and Doug stage an escape but realize that they have been led to do so so that they can all be ""shot while trying to escape."" Boudaire recalls that Dreyfuss must remain. Tony and Doug attack the ambushing guards while the other prisoners escape, and then are whisked off by the Time Tunnel.

60m 1966

El Túnel del Tiempo
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