El Túnel del Tiempo 1x15


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Doug and Tony are captured by the Gestapo in Cherbourg on June 4, 1944, two days before D-Day. A scientist, Dr. Heinz Kleinemann, working for the Reich plans to brainwash Doug and allows Tony to escape. Tony falls in with the Resistance while Kleinemann successfully brainwashes Doug to beleive he is 'Heinrich Kriegler', whose father was killed by Tony. The Resistance cell is suspicious of Tony but need his electronic knowledge. Doug tries to kill Tony but Tony escapes, although the attempt further arouses the Resistance's suspicions. Tony is forced to shoot Doug later, and takes him captive. Doug reveals a traitor within the cell, and then they launch an attack on the Gestapo HQ and recover Kleinemann and the serum they need to restore Doug to normal. They succeed, and Kleinemann restores Doug's identity. The Resistance take Kleinemann into custody and Tony and Doug are whisked away as the bombing begins.

60m 1966

El Túnel del Tiempo
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