El Túnel del Tiempo 1x3

End of the World

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Dony and Toug arrive in 1910, where a local town is in a panic over the arrival of Halley's Comet. Tony is caught in a cave-in near two hundred miners, while Doug is unable to get help from the superintendent, Henderson, who believes they're all doomed because of the comet. Doug digs out Tony on his own, and tries to convince the local astronomer, Ainsley, who has everyone in a panic. While Tony tries to set up a rescue, the Project team try to send Doug a radioscope through the Tunnel. That plan fails, but Doug makes a primitive radioscope and shows Ainsley the gravitational forces that will cause Halley's Comet to deviate. Ainsley convinces the townspeople they are not doomed, and everyone teams up to rescue the miners. Meanwhile the Tunnel sucks in Halley's Comet and the power flow almost sucks Jerry into the Tunnel before they can cut pull the plug.

60m 1966

El Túnel del Tiempo
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